Alhikmah School
  • النعيمية: 7464040-06
  • الجرف: 7415050-06
  • مصفوت: 8522237-04

عدد الزوار:  1506993

أسئلة مكررة

Q:  How do I order?
A:  You can order through phone call at our shop landline number or though walk in, just see the address we provided at our website.
Q:  Do you have online orders?
A:  Unfortunately not at the moment. We are working on it and hope to have this available in the near future. We have more and more products available for you to view, but in the meantime you still have to come in store to purchase party goods.
Q:  Do you sell Helium Balloons?
A:  Yes we do, Helium Balloons are available in our store only.
Q:  I have more questions about processes
A:  Ok. You may email, call, sms please see the detail we provided at our website.
Q:  Which forms of payment do you accept at your stores..?
A:  We accept cash, and the major credit cards: Visa, Master Card, American Express, and Discover.
Q:  Can you deliver?
A:  Yes, we offer a delivery service. Please call for details.
Q:  Can I pay my order COD?
A:  Yes, you can pay your order once you already accept the item you have purchase.
Q:  What are the procedures to book an event?
A:  You will have to call us at least 7 days before the event
Q:  I have more questions about processes
A:  jgkgkjk, hkghkgkj